

Thank you for your interest in learning about becoming an adoptive parent 
with Adams County!

Adoption Triad


There are children who have been abused or neglected waiting for a family to offer them a lifetime of unconditional love and support. Most of these children are over 8 years old or a part of a sibling group. Can you commit to being a forever family to one of our waiting children? Adoption through foster care starts by being a certified foster parent and fostering children.

AdoptionWe are seeking adoptive parents for children unable to return to their birth families due to safety concerns. When a parent/child relationship is severed through court action, a plan is developed to find a prospective adoptive family who can provide safety and permanency. This goal is accomplished through recruiting and approving adoptive families, including relatives and foster parents. Adams County Human Services Department offers support throughout the process and after finalization.

Our children waiting
for a family


The Steps to Take

Most children adopted from foster care are adopted by their foster parents or a family member. The best way to adopt a child from foster care is to start as a foster parent. The adoption process entails an application, a background check, training, and a home study. Once a prospective adoptive family has been approved, their home study may be included in a matching staffing to select the best family for a particular child or sibling group.  The family selected is then given child-specific information and can move towards adoption or decline. The family then meets the child to build a relationship and ultimately has the child transition into their family. If the family expresses a commitment to adopt the child, they will attend a meeting to discuss possible adoption assistance. The child’s adoption worker works with the child/youth and adoptive parents until the adoption has been finalized. Many times it is recommended that the family attend therapy with the child(ren) to build attachment, support all the family members and address new family dynamics. We are here to assist in making the most appropriate match between adoptive parents and the children waiting for permanent homes.

Resources for Adoptive Families

After finalization adoptive families may be supported through quarterly virtual chats, an e-newsletter, notifications of community resources and trainings, and Medicaid coverage. For more information about post adoption support, please reach out to Rishell Hessing at [email protected].

Adoption Assistance/Adoption Subsidy

Assistance with Negotiations and Renegotiations:
Denise Dewar: [email protected]

Adoptive-Parent Last Name A-K:
Bonnie LaRiviere: [email protected]

Adoptive-Parent Last Name L-Z:
Dixie Necochea:  [email protected]

Contact Us

For all other adoption related questions, please email Rishell Hessing at [email protected].

Adoption Services


Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(Excluding building closure days)