Project Connects Harm Reduction & HIV Prevention

Walk-in services will have a delayed start Wednesday, April 2,with services starting at 10:30 a.m.

Our Services

The Project Connects team offers walk-in services Monday-Friday at our Westminster location and Mondays 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at our Commerce City office. No appointments required.  Services are available at no cost and include:

  • HIV, Hepatitis C, and STI testing
  • Naloxone distribution and education
  • Syringe access and safer use supplies (including smoking supplies)
  • Condoms and safer sex materials
  • Information & referrals to community-based resources and health services
  • Post-overdose support and linkage to care

No IDs or insurance required.

What is Harm Reduction?

Harm reduction is a set of ideas and interventions that seek to reduce the harms associated with drug use and ineffective drug policies.

Harm Reduction stands in stark contrast to a punitive approach to problematic drug use; it is based on acknowledging the dignity and humanity of people who use drugs and bringing them into a community of care to minimize negative consequences and promote optimal health and social inclusion.

To learn more about Harm Reduction, visit

Schedule a Naloxone/Overdose Prevention Training

  • Project Connects offers overdose prevention and response trainings either through community-based trainings (available to the public) or private group requests.
  • Trainings are available in English and Spanish.
  • Offered at no cost.
  • Click here to register or request a training.

Project Connects offers life-saving services throughout the seasons. Consider donating vital materials to the people we work with who may be experiencing housing instability. Visit our Amazon wishlist.


  • Why Harm Reduction/Overdose Prevention Works
  • Syringe Access Services
  • Our Schedule
  • Overdose Prevention
  • HIV and Hep C Prevention
  • Harm Reduction for Opioids and Other Substances
  • Naloxone Information
  • Community Resources and Referrals
  • Schedule a Naloxone Training



People who use drugs are often the first responders to an overdose. If you or someone you know uses opioids, carrying and knowing how to administer Naloxone could save a life in the event of an overdose. Our Harm Reduction team holds Informational sessions and provides Naloxone to anyone interested. Register here for an upcoming information session and to pick up Naloxone.

Our program was created using an evidence-based approach that aims to reduce health and social harms associated with substance use. We provide a safe, non-judgmental place to exchange used syringes for sterile injection equipment.

We aim to empower participants to maintain and improve their own health while preventing opioid overdose and HIV/Hepatitis C transmission within Adams County. The Harm Reduction team:

  • Provides a space for people to be open about their drug use and sexual behavior so it’s not hidden, perpetuating feelings of isolation.
  • Values people and their expertise so they feel empowered to determine and voice their own hierarchy of need, and next steps are clear between provider and participant.
  • Is rooted in evidence-based practices that have shown decreases in health and social harms.
  • Keeps individuals engaged in care if they re-engage risk at any stage.

Our Syringe Access Program provides services in a safe, non-judgmental setting that welcomes, affirms, and accepts everyone regardless of their current drug use practices. The program provides services within the context of harm reduction principles and guidelines, as outlined by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).

We provide harm reduction supplies (sterile supplies for injecting, smoking, snorting drugs, and overdose prevention materials), education, and resources to people who use drugs in Adams County. We also offer referrals to recovery and treatment programs.

Supplies We Provide

  • Sterile syringes
  • Smoking supplies
  • Sharps containers
  • Exemption card (to protect participants from syringe-related paraphernalia laws)
  • Condoms
  • Cookers
  • Cotton
  • Alcohol wipes
  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Bandages
  • Safer smoking kits
  • Fentanyl test strips
  • Xylazine test strips
  • Injectable and intranasal Naloxone kits
  • Water


Project Connects provides Naloxone to the community, available at no cost.  Naloxone is an opioid antidote than can help reverse an overdose.  The program offers 1:1 or group trainings to anyone interested in learning more about to prevent and respond to an opioid overdose.

  • Click here to schedule an Overdose Prevention and Naloxone training with our team.
  • If you work for an organization that would like to have Naloxone on hand, please call 303.363.3077 or email [email protected] to schedule a no-cost training today!

Fentanyl Testing Strips

Project Connects provides fentanyl test strips (FTS), available at no cost to the community.  FTS can help prevent drug overdoses and reduce harm by informing individuals of the presence of fentanyl in their substances.

  • FTS are small strips of paper that can detect the presence of fentanyl in all different kinds of drugs (cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, etc.) and drug forms (pills, powder, and injectables).
  • FTS provide people who use drugs and communities with important information about fentanyl in their drug supply so they can take steps to reduce risk of overdose.

Contact the program to learn more about how to use FTS or where to obtain them.

Overdose Support

Project Connects now offers new overdose support to individuals that have recently responded to or have experienced a drug overdose.  We can assist in helping reduce your risk of another overdose occurrence and provide support in connecting to other health and social services/resources.  Get connected to our team for more resources and information.

Walk-in services are available at no cost. Free HIV, Syphilis, and Chlamydia/Gonorrhea testing is offered daily. The Sexual Health Program also offers birth control, additional STI testing, and treatment  at low to no cost, based on income. Call 303.363.3018 to schedule an appointment.

Visit our HIV, Hep C & STI website for more information


Treatment for SUD Resources/Referrals

General information on getting treatment and destigmatizing addiction – We recognize that accessing treatment can be challenging in many ways including knowing where to start, fear of stigma, provider goals not aligning with your individual goals, transportation, etc. We aim to reduce these barriers to care and help you to reach your self-directed goals.

Where to Start

Rehabilitation Program Search Engines

Substance Use and Mental Health Services We Have Established Relationships With

Find a Recovery Meeting Resource

General Community Resources Outside of Substance Use



Harm Reduction and HIV Prevention

Ph: 303.363.3077

1401 W. 122nd Ave.
Sexual Health Clinic
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Commerce City
7190 Colorado Blvd
Second Floor
Commerce City
Mondays 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.