Behavioral Health Assessment and Funding Opportunities

Behavioral Health Services and Supports Assessment: A Blueprint for Action

Behavioral Health American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding Opportunities

In 2023, the Adams County Board of Commissioners allocated the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to support behavioral health services and support gaps. These funds were earmarked to fund areas defined as behavioral health priorities and informed by the Adams County Behavioral Health Services and Supports Assessment: A Blueprint for Action. Of this funding, $2.5 million has been allocated to bolster community- and school-based behavioral health services and supports within Adams County. 

The Adams County Health Department will ensure this funding is utilized to create pathways for lasting change by building upon the unique strengths in Adams County and addressing the behavioral health challenges facing Adams County communities.

Completed proposals must be submitted electronically through eCivis on or before the proposal due date: Monday, July 29, at 11:59 p.m. MT. Review the solicitation in eCivis, and when ready, click on "Apply" to begin your application. 

If you are unfamiliar with using eCivis, you may refer to this user guide on creating an account and submitting your proposal. Once awards have been finalized, the County Manager's Office will provide informational webinars to awardees.

Registering on eCivis is free. If you have any questions, email Karla Estrada at [email protected].

2024 State of Behavioral Health in Adams County Forum


If you would like to learn more about the assessment and funding opportunities, contact ACHD Behavioral Health Program

To learn more about mental health, find resources for mental health care, and to get involved, visit the Adams County Mental Health Resource Hub