Regulation 6 CCR 1010-2: Retail Food Establishments
The Colorado Food Code requires all places that sell or provide food to have written steps for cleaning vomit and diarrhea. This is an example procedure for employees.
- Remove sick employees, customers, and others from the kitchen, service area, and storage.
- Cover the vomit or diarrhea with a disposable towel.
- Prepare a chlorine bleach mixture.
- Wear disposable gloves, a mask, and apron.
- Air out the area.
- Wipe up vomit and/or diarrhea and throw away towels.
- Apply the bleach solution onto the area and let it sit for at least one minute. Let the area air dry and make sure to throw away any extra cleaning solution.
- Place all gloves, masks, and aprons in a plastic bag and throw it away immediately.
- Make sure to clean and disinfect everything you use.
- Wash your hands and take a shower if possible.
- Throw away any food that was in the affected area.
- Ask the sick person for their name, address, age, travel history, and a three-day history of what they ate.
- Fill out an incident report that includes what happened, where it happened, time and date, and the cleanup process.