Diabetes Self-Empowerment Program

Take Control of Your Health AND Your Diabetes

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, proper management is key to staying healthy. By learning more about diabetes and taking steps to manage it, it's possible to control your blood sugar and prevent or delay diabetes symptoms. 

Our Diabetes Self-Management and Support (DSMES) program is for people living with diabetes. It empowers them with the skills and knowledge to make healthier life choices and manage their diabetes and other conditions.


What to Expect

Great news! Our program is available in English and Spanish and is available at little to no cost. Our classes provide eight hours of support, growing skills to keep your blood sugars in check and promote long-term health. Topics include

  • What is diabetes
  • What are the facts and myths about diabetes
  • Monitoring your blood sugar
  • How to read and use blood sugar numbers
  • Medicines and how they work in the body
  • The basics of insulin and different types
  • Healthy eating strategies
  • Managing diabetes long-term
  • Physical activity

Whether you have diabetes or are supporting someone with diabetes, these classes are open and welcome to you! At Adams County, our dedicated educators and dietitians are committed to addressing your specific needs, questions, and concerns. Your journey to better health starts here with personalized care and support every step of the way!

Upcoming Diabetes Self-Empowerment Classes:

  • Thursdays, starting Feb. 20, 12 – 1 p.m., Virtual Via Zoom
  • Thursdays, starting March 6, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Virtual Via Zoom
  • Tuesdays, starting April 1, 12 – 1 p.m., Virtual
  • Tuesdays, starting April 1, 2 – 4 p.m., Hyland Hills Sports Center, 4201 W 94th Ave, Westminster
  • Wednesdays, starting April 9, 2 – 4 p.m., Center for African American Health, 3350 Hudson Street, Denver

Próximas clases de Empoderamiento de la Diabetes en Español:

  • Miércoles a partir del 26 de marzo, 6 -7 p.m., virtuales por Zoom
  • Jueves a partir del 1 de mayo, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Clinica Family Health, 1701 W 72nd Ave, Denver

Regístrese para una clase hoy o únase a la lista de espera para recibir notificaciones cuando se publiquen horarios de clases futuras.

Register for a class today or join the waitlist to be notified when future class schedules are posted.





Not diagnosed with diabetes and looking for a healthy lifestyle change to delay the onset of diabetes or even reverse prediabetes? Click here for our Journey to Wellness program.

Diabetes Education Program